Search Tricks in Google That Change Your Way To Search

Google is number first ranked search engine all over the world. It seems to have an answer of everything. Google searching gets batter to next day. Sometimes you didn't need to click on website for your answer. It will be there in the top of your searches or will the first page of google . Their needs searching skill to find the exact result. Thankfully, Google takes it to the more advance level to batter your search preferences. It provides smart search (built in) tools to decrease down the search and to get batter answer.

Search Tricks in Google That Change Your Way To Search

 Here 5 best tricks you need to batter you search.

 1. How To Find a Source Content In Google

This method gives you a specific content which you are searching in google. This method also provide the information about the content, from where it is taken. For example, you search "how to connect YouTube adsense account with Blogspot blog" and you want to see the exact content just write it in inverted comas 
How To Find a Source Content In Google

 This will give you the information of site where from it is collected or the site having same content like this.

This method is used to find the specific lines, but you may also find a paragraph.  

2. Search for Missing Word 

This search gives you the information about the missing words. Sometime you want to search something. You have no idea about some words. A word that you want to search not remind in your mind. Don't worry, google solves this problem. Search your content and which word you not remind, place their "* *" , google provides all the result related to the content. 
Search for Missing Word
 I searched here  ' how to * * pizza'. I have no idea about the pizza, make, bake and other related word , so I  write there  * * , and google gives me all results about pizza.

 3. How To Stop Adult Content In searching 

This is very useful technique especially for those parents who work in an Organization, and they have no time to watch their children activities that what are they searching?. What are they seeing? To stop the adult content on your children cell phone, Laptop, PC and any other mobile devices. 
1. Open your chrome or any browser.
2. Go to the 
3. Go to the setting in footer in google main page and select search setting.
How To Stop Adult Content In searching
 4. Check mark on Safe-Search and save setting.
 Now google not show any adult content and you can feel free about your children.

4. Upload a Reverse Image 

In this technique you upload an image to google page to get your information. You have an image and you want information about that photo.
1. Click on the Images on top right of google page.
2. Drag or upload your photo there and search
Upload a Reverse Image

Google gives all the information about your photo 

5. In Site Search

This technique is used where a website has no search tab. For an example you like a website content and you want to read some other topic and you do not find any search tab in that website. How to solve this?
1.  Go to 
2. Search term
The above search written as, first you have to write your search term, space, write the word site and colon, and your website where you want to read content 
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