What Are The Big SEO Mistakes

The reason of writing this article is to tell you about the big SEO mistakes that you are mostly made when you are writing your article. I am sure, after reading this article you will be able to write best article for your website. If you want to know what mistakes you made in your past Blog post then read this article carefully.  In this article I am going to tell you about the basic thing like length of title, description, keywords density, and keyword research and so on. Basically these are the big mistakes that must effect your website SEO. You can make better your position the search engine results after reading this.
biggest SEO mistakes

Limit The Title.

Couple of mistakes that are generally seemed the beginners of blogger create too lengthy title for their blog post. Let me tell you that Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines love the blog post title less than 70 characters. If your blog post contains the title more than 70 characters it will only show first 70 characters and the remaining will be hidden. Although Google sports up to 70 characters title but I suggest you to keep your post title blew the 60 characters. If you are blog post has more than 70 characters in the title then you are Putting Bad impression on your website and your Website (Blog) SEO score and it's along CTR will also decrease. If you have low CTR it means you have low Click through Rate (CTR) even your site getting large amount of traffic.
How to Remove The Blog Title from Blog Post Titles in Blogger.

Go to your Blogger Theme
Edit HTML and search (Ctrl+F)


Change the above code with this.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>

Skip Keywords Research. 

No matter what you are writing about. If you do not properly research the keyword you cannot rank your website for the specific keyword. If you do not research the keyword you have no idea about your competitors and how much effort you will need to stand first in the search engine result. If you properly research the keyword you can find the variation of the keyword which can rank your website beside this, you can also get the information about the competition for the specific keywords. So I will suggest you before writing any article you must have to properly research the keyword which can be suitable for your site. 

Keywords Density. 

Keyword density is one of the most important factor in SEO beginners blogger missed it. If we want to define keyword density we can define it as a specific keyword that is repeated for a particular post divided by the total number of words for that post this is called keyword density. There was rule made by the search engines that you can use your targeted keyword 3 times in your Article. Suppose you are going to write the post of hundred words you can use your main keyword three times. If you go more than 3 times for the hundred words post it will be a keyword stuff and this is not allowed by the any search engine. For the related keywords of your post you can use it only 1%. Many blogger’s post have stuffed with the keywords and they think that Google and other search engine will rank there website. This concept was totally wrong if you had done before it. Write your article according to the search engine requirements and keep the keywords density rules in your mind that I described in above lines.

Meta Description. 

Meta description is another important factor in SEO that beginners missed. Meta description plays viral role to rank your blog. Meta keywords tag is now officially dead announced and now they become useless and there is no rule of it. Meta description basically defines your article for the search engine. What your content actually contains. 
  Big Mistakes in SEO - what is the exact Description length

look at my Meta title and Meta description, if you search the keyword "Prepare Blog for Adsense" my blog appears on 4th position of first page.
Mostly beginners write Meta description just using the keywords to ensure that they will get the maximum search engine result. But you are wrong, according to the SEO expert your meta description are not more than 60 characters long in length but it must contain your targeted keyword but it must be in the form of a tenses. 

Image Alt tag.

Another big SEO mistake made by  79% blogger's that they not put ALT tag in there blog post Image. If you properly use this tag in your post you can get huge amount of organic traffic on your website.

How to add Alt tag in post.
Login in your blogger and select your post.
Select your image to upload in the post.
 After, Select Properties. 
How to add Image alt attribute | Image alt attribute - Image alt tab to blogger
Add caption

Add You Title and Alt Tag. and press 'OK' button.

Hope you liked this post. if you any query in your mind about SEO. Feel free to ask. Like and share on social media   


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